Product Scanner
Product Scanner
We know that there are many ingredients that our skincare products should not have… but do you know specifically what they are? what do they do in your body? And what if your current products have them?
We want to help you with that!
In this advice we are going to review all the ingredients of your skincare products and, above all, we are going to understand which ones we should avoid and also which ones are the best for your skin at this time according to your goals. For that we are going to classify them with the EWG system that will give us a score of 1-5 on the status of your routine.
Thus, you will finally be able to know which products you should abandon, which ones you can replace them with and which ones should or should remain in your routine.
- We are going to review 6 routine products (if you want to add extra products, each one will have an additional cost).
-Our meeting will last 30 minutes.
- We will send you a document with a brief summary of the advice so that you have the information of your products very well organized.