Dermis: la segunda capa de nuestra piel...

Dermis: the second layer of our skin...

It is the second -and thickest- layer of the skin, and it is essential for it to stay healthy. That is where there is the greatest activity and exchange of information and nutrients.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The dermis is home to some of the most common proteins in our body, and also the most popular in the cosmetic industry, collagen and elastin. These two proteins are responsible for giving the skin its structure and elasticity. They are produced by fibroblasts, specialized connective tissue cells that play a key role in wound healing.

Both proteins and fibroblasts live in a jelly-like environment made up mainly of hyaluronic acid. The latter, which is produced naturally by our body in abundance, is in charge of retaining water to keep our skin hydrated as it can conserve up to 1000 times its weight in water.

In this layer there are also the nerve terminals that allow us to feel changes in pressure, temperature, pain, pleasure, etc.; in addition to the capillaries that bring essential nutrients to the skin that come from our food, such as zinc, omega 3 and 6, vitamin C, vitamin B12, etc. In turn, it is in the dermis where vitamin D photosynthesized by the skin is collected for distribution to the rest of the body.

We cannot forget either that the skin is an organ through which the body detoxifies itself and for this the dermis plays a fundamental role since it is where the toxins that must be eliminated through the skin arrive. These are expelled through sweat and sometimes also in the form of acne. This is why sweating through the pores, which are connected to the sweat and sebaceous glands of this layer, is essential, since through this our body gets rid of toxins that are not useful to it.

Finally, in this layer we also find the hair follicles, responsible for generating the hairs and hairs that cover our entire body as protection from the outside world.

Our advice to take care of this layer of the skin is to drink plenty of water and include enough fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

See you very soon!

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